When we talk about influence and persuasion, we often are referring to marketing and sales. However, we influence in many ways and with great frequency. In this course, you’ll learn how to speak persuasively, communicate with confidence, build rapport, developer a strong presentation, and leverage storytelling to persuade people to your point of view.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Make decisions about using persuasion versus manipulation
Apply the concepts of pushing & pulling when influencing others
Describe different techniques for getting persuasive conversations & presentations underway
Make a persuasive presentation by using the 5 S’s
Apply storytelling techniques to extend influence
Leverage concepts of neuro-linguistic programming in everyday influence & persuasion
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Supervising Others
Supervising others can be a tough job. Between managing your own time and projects, helping your team members solve problems and complete tasks, and helping other supervisors, your day can fill up before you know it. This course will help you become more efficient and proficient in managing people.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Define requirements for required work
Set the expectations of your staff
Establish SMART goals for yourself & your staff
Learn to delegate appropriately
Provide effective feedback to your staff
Utilize effective time management techniques
Perform effective conflict resolution
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Coaching and Mentoring
This course focuses on how to better coach employees to reach higher performance. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals, and how well you coach is related directly to how well you’re able to foster a great working relationship with your employees. Here, you’ll learn how to understand your employees and set strategic goals.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Identify the difference between mentoring & coaching
Understand the GROW model
Set appropriate goals using the SMART method
Define options for employees
Learn how to foster trust with employees
Discover how to overcome obstacles & provide effective feedback
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Performance Management
When changes occur, performance management helps the transition to be smoother and less hectic. It helps the organization and employees have a stream-lined relationship which improves communication and interactions between the two groups. It will help close any gaps that exist in an employee’s skill set and make them more valuable through feedback and coaching.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Understand the role of goal setting in performance management
Develop tools to help your employees set & achieve goals
Create a three-phase model that will help you prepare employees for peak performance, activate their inner motivation, & evaluate their skills
Build a better knowledge of motivational tools & techniques
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills
Self-confidence and assertiveness are two skills that are crucial for success in life. This course will give you an understanding of what assertiveness and self-confidence mean and how to develop those feelings in your day-to-day lives. These skills will encompass many aspects of your life and have a positive effect.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Recognize that you have worth & are worthy of happiness
Develop techniques for eliminating unhealthy thought patterns & replacing them w/ supportive patterns
Learn how to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts
Make requests so that you get what you want
Set goals that reflect your dreams & desires, and reinforce healthy patterns
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Conversational Leadership
We’ve all met that dynamic, charismatic person that just has a way with others, and has a way of being remembered. This course will help you work towards being that unforgettable person by providing communication skills, negotiation techniques, tips on making an impact, and advice on networking and starting conversations. All of the tools you learn will help you become a conversational leader and build stronger teams in your workplace.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Understand the wisdom inherent in encouraging conversational leadership
Describe the four I’s of conversational leadership
Apply the principles of conversational leadership to improve results
Organize a simple World Cafe as an example of conversational leadership
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Time Management
Personal time management skills are essential skills for effective people. People who use these techniques on a regular bases are the highest achievers in all walks of life. Time management begins with setting goals and following them. This entire process is supported by a skill set that should include personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management. You’ll cover all that and more in this course.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Plan & prioritize daily activities efficiently and productively
Triumph over procrastination
Deal w/ crises effectively
Organize your workspace & workflow and delegate efficiently
Plan effective meetings
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Goal Setting & Getting Things Done
Goal Setting is one of the most basic and essential skills someone can develop. This course covers strategies to help you deal with distractions and overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into increased satisfaction in your professional and personal life. You’ll learn the goal setting characteristics of successful people and how to incorporate them into your own life.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Identify what’s important to you in your life
Use goal-setting activities & appropriate language to articulate what you want in your life
Explain what your dreams & goals are for both the short and long term
Use motivating techniques to help you reach your goals
Understand how to deal w/ setbacks
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
The Professional Supervisor
Management and leadership roles want to be genuinely liked by the workers they supervise, but seeking popularity for its own sake can be a dead-end path. In this course, you’ll take the first steps on what will be a continuous journey towards becoming a more effective boss. That means both likable and respected. Here, you’ll receive an introduction to several leadership theories from John Adair, Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, Velsoft, and more.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Clarify the scope & nature of a supervisory position
Learn some ways to deal w/ the challenges of the role
Recognize the responsibilities you have as a supervisor, to yourself, your team, & your organization
Learn key techniques to help you plan & prioritize effectively
Acquire a basic understanding of leadership, team building, communication & motivation
Develop strategies for motivating your team, giving feedback, & resolving conflict
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.
Getting Stuff Done
Many people spend their days in a frenzy of activity, but achieve very little because they’re not concentrating their effort on the things that matter the most. This course will help you learn new ways to organize your time for a more productive life. It will also show you some techniques for rebalancing your energy levels. It’s time to exhale stale, old ideas and inhale new inspiration for joyful living that produces quality outcomes.
Access 12 units of study & 10 hours of content 24/7
Identify what personal efficiency is, what skill sets can improve your personal productivity, & what attitudes we should cultivate
Describe what role long-term goals play in short-term efficiency
Share a personal vision & develop dreams and goals from it
Apply the 80/20 rule & learn how it should affect planning
Identify the characteristics of a good organizational system
Develop a plan for an efficient workspace, including a customized information center & a filing system
Apply a system that will allow you to process any type of information that crosses your desk, including e-mail, electronic files, paper files, voice mail, text messages, & drop-in visitors
Use the Eisenhower principle to prioritize work
Details & Requirements
Length of time users can access their courses: lifetime
Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
Certifications of completion included for each course
24/7 access so you can study anywhere, anytime, from any device
Experience level required: all levels
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Internationally recognized by the IAOTS
Internet required
With over 1000 courses on offer, Courses For Success aims to help you find the ideal course, so that you can improve your skill set and become a valuable asset to the job market. They plan to change the face of education by providing easy-to-follow online courses that give you the power to improve your life, employability, and personal knowledge.
For more details on this course and instructor, click here.