Fincenti is a next-generation growth and productivity tool with evergreen growth insights, and pre-loaded 150+ reflection prompts on 16+ different topics so that you can keep up with new business and productivity trends. It is a go-getter tool for capturing the new trends across the globe for your tailored applications.
Save hundreds of hours of research. Grab new insights with trends. Reach your goals faster than ever. Even out the soft skills of your team, and spice up the hard skills of your team. With 150+ Growth Insights and Reflection Prompts, evergreen updates, and support from the community, Fincenti is a growth and productivity tool for you and your team.
Fincenti Key Benefits
Track progress, reflect on your day, & spice up with frowth insights
5-minutes reflections & insights that could shape up your next 5 years of life
Comprehensive growth & productivity toolbox with 150+ reflection questions, insights, and growth tips with updates
3 easy-to-use features: growth insights, daily progress tools, & end of day reflection
Build your own templates & growth journey
Achieve your business & personal growth simpler, faster, & smarter
Preloaded Topics
Reflection Prompts. Returning to Office-based work routine after Working from Home, Solopreneur and Fast Scaling Team Reflection Questions, Checklist, and Growth tips, Realistic Goal Setting, Mindfulness, Resilience, and many more trending topics
Growth Insights Topics. Mix and match trending business topics, curated books, quotes, short video clips, music, even philosophy and the arts! Curated and reviewed by global scientists and business consultants
The deal includes 20% off on-premise solution standard pricing. Fincenti’s on-premise solution offers the same 24/7 server monitoring that is built into Fincenti.
System Requirements
MacOS 10.11 and later
Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and 11
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
This product is a browser based Software as a Solution product.
Must be 18 years of age or older
Important Details
Length of access: lifetime
Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
Access options: desktop
Max number of device(s): 3
Version: 1.0
Updates included
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