Of course, your retirement plan should be about you. But simple and convenient? It should be all that and more. Whether it’s how much you have or how much you need, plynty guides you to a plan that works with your lifestyle. It links all of your accounts so that everything is laid out in front of you, all in one place. You probably already manage your money on a regular basis, tracking how much you earn and spend. Since that’s the way you plan for today, that’s the way plynty helps you plan for retirement. No intimidating techniques. plynty builds off your familiarity with cashflow and allows you to understand your future cashflow as clearly as you know today.
Set retirement goals best suited to the life you live
Track your progress, & easily change your plan as needed
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Follow Plynty’s advice steps to understand how to improve your retirement plan outcome
HerMoney:“Plynty helps you form a realistic retirement savings plan based on your current lifestyle.”